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Console Functions

Console Print

<void> rconsoleprint(<string> message)

Prints message into the console. rconsoleprint also supports colors.


rconsoleprint('this is red')

Console output



Color Code
Black @@BLACK@@
Blue @@BLUE@@
Green @@GREEN@@
Cyan @@CYAN@@
Red @@RED@@
Magenta @@MAGENTA@@
Brown @@BROWN@@
Light Gray @@LIGHT_GRAY@@
Color Code
Dark Gray @@DARK_GRAY@@
Light Blue @@LIGHT_BLUE@@
Light Green @@LIGHT_GREEN@@
Light Cyan @@LIGHT_CYAN@@
Light Red @@LIGHT_RED@@
Light Magenta @@LIGHT_MAGENTA@@
Yellow @@YELLOW@@
White @@WHITE@@

Console Info

<void> rconsoleinfo(<string> message)

Prints message into the console, with a info text before it.

Console Warn

<void> rconsolewarn(<string> message)

Prints message into the console, with a warning text before it.

Console Error

<void> rconsoleerr(<string> message)

Prints message into the console, with a error text before it.

Console Clear

<void> rconsoleclear(<void>)

Clears the console.

Console Name

<void> rconsolename(<string> title)

Sets the currently allocated console title to title.

Console Input

<string> rconsoleinput(<void>)

Yields until the user inputs information into their console. Returns the input they put in.

Console Input Async

<string> rconsoleinputasync(<void>)

Yields until the user inputs information into their console. Returns the input they put in. Same as rconsoleinput.

<void> printconsole(<string> message, <int> red, <int> green, <int> blue)

Prints message into the internal and integrated console with RGB value. To view the internal console, enable Internal UI in the Options menu and when in-game press INSERT on your keyboard. The integrated console can be found in the new synapse UI.