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Cache Replace

<void> syn.cache_replace(<Instance> obj, <Instance> t_obj)  

Replace obj in the instance cache with t_obj.

Cache Invalidate

<void> syn.cache_invalidate(<Instance> obj)  

Invalidate obj's cache entry, forcing a recache upon the next lookup.

Set Thread Identity

<void> syn.set_thread_identity(<number> n)  

Sets the current thread identity after a Task Scheduler cycle is performed. (Note: call wait() after invoking this function for the expected results)

Get Thread Identity

<number> syn.get_thread_identity(<void>)  

Returns the current thread identity.

Is Cached

<bool> syn.is_cached(<Instance> obj)  

Returns true if obj is currently cached within the registry.

Write Clipboard

<void> syn.write_clipboard(<string> content)  

Writes content to the current Windows clipboard.

Queue On Teleport

<void> syn.queue_on_teleport(<string> code)

Executes code after player is teleported.


    if State == Enum.TeleportState.Started then
        syn.queue_on_teleport("<script to execute after TP>")

Protect Gui

<void> syn.protect_gui(<obj> gui)

Protects your gui from recursive FindFirstChild-style attacks. After you call the function, recursive FFA calls from non-Synapse contexts will skip over your protected instances & all children of such instances.


local GUI = game:GetObjects("whatever")[1]
syn.protect_gui(GUI) -- Its preferable to call protect_gui before your GUI is parented, but it is not required.
GUI.Parent = game:GetService("CoreGui")

Unprotect Gui

<void> syn.unprotect_gui(<obj> gui)

Removes protection from the gui. Errors if gui isn't already protected.

Is Beta

<bool> syn.is_beta(<void>)

Returns a bool indicating whether the user is using Synapse Beta or not.


<...> syn.crypto.*

Alias for syn.crypt.*. You can view the functions in the crypt section.


<table> syn.request(<table> options)

Sends a http request with parameters in options.

Request Dictionary Fields

Name Type Required Description
Url String Yes The target URL for this request. Must use http or https protocols.
Method String No The HTTP method being used by this request, most often GET or POST.
Headers Dictionary No A dictionary of headers to be used with this request. Most HTTP headers are accepted here, but not all.
Body String No The request body. Can be any string, including binary data. Must be excluded when using the GET or HEAD HTTP methods. It might be necessary to specify the Content-Type header when sending JSON or other formats.

Response Dictionary Fields

Name Type Description
Success Boolean The success status of the request. This is true if and only if the StatusCode lies within the range [200, 299].
StatusCode Integer The HTTP response code identifying the status of the response.
StatusMessage String The status message that was sent back.
Headers Dictionary A dictionary of headers that were set in this response.
Body String he request body (content) received in the response.

Synapse Headers

Name Description
Syn-Fingerprint Users HWID, changes between PCs.
Syn-User-Identifier Similar to Syn-Fingerprint , but does not change between PCs. Pretty useful as a way to identify Synapse accounts for cross-PC save data/etc.
User-Agent The version of synapse the request was made from. Example: synx/v2.1.3b.


local response = syn.request(
        Url = "",  -- This website helps debug HTTP requests
        Method = "POST",
        Headers = {
            ["Content-Type"] = "application/json"  -- When sending JSON, set this!
        Body = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode({hello = "world"})

for i,v in pairs(response) do

    if type(v) == "table" then
        for i2,v2 in pairs(v) do

Secure Call

<idk> syn.secure_call(<function> func, <script> script, <...> args)

Spoofs caller environment and context when calling func with script's environment. You can pass as many arguments args as is required. Secure_call returns whatever the called function returns.


local KeyHandler = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Assets.Modules.KeyHandler)
local PlayerName = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Name
local FakeEnv = game:GetService("Workspace").Live[PlayerName].CharacterHandler.Input

local Result = syn.secure_call(KeyHandler, FakeEnv)
local Event = syn.secure_call(Result.getKey, FakeEnv, "ApplyFallDamage", "plum")

--do whatever

Create Secure Function

<string> syn.create_secure_function(<string> code)

Protects your code with secure function, making it impossible for others to alter or view your code. This function can only be used by users who have been given access.

Run Secure Function

<void> syn.run_secure_function(<string> code)

Runs code protected by secure function.


<???> syn.secrun(<string>)

Internal function used for whitelist security and bypassing luau when it was new. Back then Synapse had an exploit to disable luau.