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Reflection Functions


<function> loadstring(<string> chunk, [<string> chunkname])  

Loads chunk as a lua function and returns it if compilation is succesful. Otherwise, if an error has occured during compilation, nil followed by the error message will be returned.

Check Caller

<bool> checkcaller(<void>)  

Returns true if the current thread was made by Synapse. Useful for metatable hooks.

Is Lua Closure

<bool> islclosure(<function> f)  

Returns true if f is an LClosure

Is C Closure

<bool> iscclosure(<function> f)

Returns true if f is an CClosure

Dump String

<string> dumpstring(<string> Script)  

Returns the Roblox formatted bytecode for source string Script.


<string> decompile(<userdata, function, string, proto>  Script, <string, bool> mode, <number> timeout)  

Decompiles Script and returns the decompiled script. If the decompilation fails, then the return value will be an error message.